Yukie Nakama

Name: Yukie Nakama
Japan name: なかま ゆきえ
China name: 仲間 由紀恵
Birthday: October 30, 1979
Professional: actress, singer and former idol.
Birthplace: Urasoe, Okinawa, Japan the youngest of five siblings.

yukie nakama is one of the rare few young Japanese celebrities that have been able to break free from their teeny-bopper image and emerge as one of the country's most popular and well-respected actresses. She respects Shizuka Kudō. She is close to Hitomi Shimatani and went to Los Angeles for a trip together.

yukie nakama appeared in bit roles until she appeared in "Love & Pop (1998)". She was a 'gravure' (swimsuit photo book) idol for a few years until she got the lead role as Sadako for "Ring 0: Birthday (2000)", which gave her career a big break.

Yukie Nakama
Yukie Nakama
Yukie Nakama
Yukie Nakama
Yukie Nakama
Nakama afterwards starred in several TV Dramas, notably "Trick (2000)" which demonstrated her talent in comedic roles. The program was such a hit that it had two more seasons (Trick 2 (2002) and Trick 3 (2003)). However, the top-rating TV series "Gokusen (2002, reprised in 2005 and 2008)", a live-action version of the popular manga (comics), established her as one of Japan's most bankable and popular actresses.

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